Wednesday, February 6, 2013

343. New month, new month


It's been February for six days now, so I should update this thing.  I had a pretty amazing weekend, doing a three times sold out show at the Deer Lodge with Lissie, hosting a superbowl party, and agreeing to take on this youth group at my old high school, things have been pretty great, outside of the Daddy gig.

So.  Ever since Milesy boy got sick, he has been on a terror run.  He does have some serious teeth coming in, but he's been giving me a run for my money (or a run for Tegan's money, whatever).  It usually starts around 1 PM, when he decides that flopping around on the carpet like a spastic frog and screaming is way more fun than, well, anything else.  That signals a 4-5 hour descent into the lesser known ring of hell Dante describes as "Toddler circle" in The Inferno.  This is the circle with projectile matchbox cars, waterboarding by tears, and applesauce smothering.  It makes me yearn for the terrible twos.  Hurry up.