Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 6 Kauai

Day 6 Kauai -

Today was recuperation day for the Gardner clan. We had reached the point of saturation, so spent the day close by our hotel room – venturing out only for food and a lens cap for the camera after the last one was mysteriously misplaced. The rest was welcomed heartily by all – even Isla was mellow today (unless she was placed into the car seat, which now creates an instantaneous ear splitting yowl – that strangely enough can only be countered by making meow sounds at her, to which she can't help but reply in her own meow). I finished yet another vampire book – The Strain by Guillermo del Toro and some other dude... I highly recommend this as well. It was scary and Blade-like. All this while lounging at the beach or by the pool. I love days like this.

We did go for a little walk, if for nothing else than to actually use the stroller we purchased at wal-mart on an earlier excursion. This walk was a test of my manhood in its purest form - anyone who can push a tiny pink stroller with Dora the explorer all over it around without batting an eyelash is a real man - let me tell you. Right?

For dinner I finally got my sushi, at a little restaurant that was perfect for Isla – it had this courtyard garden with a koi pond that either Tegan or I could whisk Isla away to whenever she freaked out – which nowadays is frequent at any sit down dinner. On one of these excursions to the pond Isla spotted a gecko on the side of the pond, and excitedly started to meow at it. I, being the heroic and brave dad that I am, decided I was going to catch this wild beast and present it to my young princess. Too bad that the gecko was hella dead, and when I touched it it sort of fell apart and it's body fell into the pond, where it was, I'm sure – promptly eaten by one of the koi inside. I hope Isla isn't traumatized, because I think I am.

We sugared up with our 5th of 7 shave ices – while the sun went down no less - and as I write this, Isla has turned on the hotel radio to “American Boy” and is demonstrating some new dance moves she invented for the trip. One consists of her left leg raising and lowering, much like a sumo wrestler's stomp – only infinitely more cute. The other is a rip-off of Jennifer Beals' running in place from flashdance. They both are going to last until 11, I'm sure, because of the sugar... We're such good parents. Tomorrow is our snorkeling day – So I need to get my rest...

1 comment:

  1. Yes. A REAL MAN you are. and a really delightful family and a really lucky lil' girl to have two of the best sugar shoveling parents around.
