Sunday, July 28, 2013



My daughter is a really good girl.  Before today, we've never had to actually go to the step of punishment - just the threat has been enough.  Today however, she snuck and ate candy in her room, we caught her, called her on it, then told her she'd not be able to have dessert for the week if she did it again.  Not fifteen minutes later, we found her in her room, door closed, scarfing down a pack of mentos that she had recovered from the trash can of all places.  Self Control, girl!  Anyway, this was especially difficult, because her best friend had invited her over for ice cream after watching a youth production of "Annie"  at a local theater, and we had to tell them no because of the whole candy situation.  There were tears and sobs abound, of course.  To make matters worse, when we went to the play, they were sold out - and it was the last performance.  Isla had been talking about seeing this play for the last month.  Double disappointment and epic breakdown in front of the theater.  I know that this is one of those teachable moments about life and fairness and all that, but there's something pretty heartbreaking about seeing your child experience her first real let down at your hands.  At least we have the DVD and a huge screen with projector for our own performance tonight.

Meanwhile, on the Miles front, while we waited to see if we could get in due to any no-shows for Annie, our little guy went on a dinosaur hunt under the oleander bushes.  After roaring to himself for a few minutes, he actually ended up scaring himself so badly that he rushed out screaming.  From then on, he'd pace in front of the bushes shaking his head and saying "no rawr, no rawr."  This was a day for lessons, apparently.

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