Monday, April 14, 2014

14/30 2014

I have a thing for repetition right now.  I have a thing for repetition.

In my dream
I am running
and afraid.  I
am running
and afraid and
running.  There
is no air and I
am running
and breathing
in the nothing
and afraid.
In my dream
my breath
catches and
jerks in my
chest and I am
running and
afraid and it
is dark except
for the moon
and the moon
and the moon.
In my dream
I am running
and afraid and
the moon follows
and I can't
run fast enough
because the moon
is all there is
and the dark
and the fear
and the nothing
and my breath
and my legs.
In my dream
my legs are ribbons
tied to the moon
and I am afraid
to let go.

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