Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fourth of July Weekend Highlight Reel

I'm exhausted - Hawaii merged into the weekend of the fourth so fast I'm still confused about where I am right now.


1) Meeting my brother Phil and his family for the first time and instantly connecting on all kinds of levels. Seeing the Del Nagro clan come together for real for the first time in a while.

2) Isla getting 4 days of pool time to play and play and play and...

3) Watching babies dance to Michael Jackson at the family "after party"

4) Bullshitting with cousin Jessica - dude, Lucas isn't a chambermaid - chill out.

5) Feeling like a real parent, with all the kids at the house playing together.

6) Citrus ribs & pomegranate BBQ chicken

7) Getting to finish a Ruben's Burrito from Summer, who could sense my angst at not getting one this trip.

8) Fire dancing by Elizabeth and Tawny ( i feel like i spelled that wrong)

9) Finding out my sister Elizabeth is engaged to somebody I actually don't want to decapitate with a rusty spoon.

10) Talking cameras with my father in law and picking up a few tips

11) Borrowing two fishing poles to do some serious damage with this summer on the Berkeley Pier - I'm talking at least 24 beers and maybe a dogfish.

12) going stupid with Claire like we were 13 and 8


  1. You guys should've called me... I would've loved to see you!
    Hope you had fun in the Ojai and come back again soon!...and call me next time! :)

  2. growing up is good. it's an out-of-body feeling for me when i see my kids running around and i am conversing with other parents and we are talking kid stuff and "old" people stuff and then i realize -- oh, i am old now too! but there are many comforts that come with it ...
