Thursday, April 12, 2012

Year of writing 102. 12/30


Haiku for coming home

Upon returning,

His bright-eyed laugh and gurgle

Make up for the miles.

I promised myself I'd only do one haiku this time. I have now exhausted my quota. Coming home was strange, I expected to have Isla jump into my arms. However, in true 4 year old fashion, she fell asleep on the car ride over, slept through dinner, then when she finally did wake up, she screamed for an hour or so and told me to leave her alone. I believe she is part grizzly, if she is woken before she is ready, she's all claws, roars, and teeth.


  1. get used to it Dad - she will soon be a teen, turn into a BIGGER Grizzly who will retreat to her room-cave every day. Then you will never see her!

  2. I went DOWN to the funky clown town
