Thursday, April 5, 2012

Year of writing 95. Justin Beaver


All the way to daycare today in the car, Isla wanted to play Peter Pan.  She insisted that we were going to fly to "Never Say Never Land," to which I replied: "You mean Never Never Land?"

"NO!  It's Never SAY Never Land, Daddy." 
"So is James Bond there?"
"Who's Jane Bombs?"
"Never mind, is Justin Bieber there?"
"Daddy there's no beavers in Never Say Never Land."
"OK, this conversation just got way too ridiculous for me. I'm just gonna sprinkle you with pixie dust so you can fly."
"That's good, but you accidentally sprinkled dust on the shark too, now he's flying with us."
"What?  Why is there a shark in this Peter Pan game now?"
"He wants to bite that justin beaver."
"This game is officially over, I quit."
"ok, ok there is not a shark, it's just a spaceship that looks like a shark."
"OK, I'm in."

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