Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Year of writing 93. On your permanent record 5.


2 posts this fine day.  The first, I will keep brief - in my fifth installment of the "middle school kids do the darndest things" category.  As always, these entries are written verbatim from the student's discipline screen.  Anonymously of course.

Student 1 - Only one student today - this is probably the best one I have seen.

1/10  Disrespecting a girl in PE¦ following her shadow around and talking to it like a dog.

That is so disrespectful.  That girl's shadow deserved to be talked to like the fully sentient being that it is.

I was going to post others, but they're all fighting and cursing and stuff, nothing even close to the genius of this January tenth fabulousness.  Remember, these kids get REFERRALS for this stuff.


  1. I had a fifth grader try to shop lift a ring pop yesterday. Two students called him out on it. Later he broke down sobbing in the hallway saying he didn't know why he does it. Thoughts?

  2. Most of the sticky-fingered kids I've come across, especially young kids like that, simply haven't equated the action of stealing with something negative. The immediate pleasure of having the ringpop outweighed the negative response of a possible talking to - of course if you think there's something more there, have him talk to a counselor (depending on what kind of resources you have at your school).

    1. He does it for a need basic to every human being - the need for love - the energy rush one gets when they are afraid may be equated to that of person during the excitement of receiving something positive or negative. The seventh chakra - that of creativity and reproduction - the life force is also heightened by fear (the survival chakra,) hence if you asked him how he feels when he steals -the answer may surprize you - He wants something - and he is getting it. Sexual feelings/arousal/fear - the fear of getting caught? I know this sounds far out - but it is simple - he is asking for something he is not getting.
