Monday, November 5, 2012

Year of writing 307. The moth.


OK, I know I missed the weekend.  Don't worry about it, it was nothing to write home about.  Besides, I'm human, I can miss a weekend.

None of that is relevant however.  Ojai is a city of bugs, big bugs, little bugs, spiders, all kinds.  I forgot this until I moved back and have been on a neverending quest to end the lives of most of these.  It almost came back to me today. 

As I was taking a shower (our shower is an enclosed glass box in a tiny bathroom), I heard a noise - sort of like a shirt flapping in the wind.  I wiped the soap out of my eyes to find I was staring at a moth the size of a fucking sparrow beating its horrid wings around the light.  I froze in my glass prison, willing it to go back out the window, which seemed impossible due to the fact that this thing was a mutant moth from hell and couldn't possibly fit.  As I was contemplating how to escape this situation unmothed, the bastard dove from the light DOWN INTO THE SHOWER where I was cringing.  Suppressing the urge to curl into the fetal position, I reached quickly for the door handle, missed, slipped, and almost went headfirst through the glass, if I hadn't put one foot out for balance.  This moth had almost been the end of me, dear readers.  The end of the story is not even close to as good as the beginning  -  I escaped, and in all my naked glory, tried to find a smashing implement that would allow me to be at the furthest distance possible from this Silence of the Lambs extra.  However, upon my return to the bathroom I found it had escaped back into the Ojai night.  Hopefully never to be seen again.  Ever.

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