Friday, January 20, 2012

Year of Writing 19

1/20/12 2:20 PM

Yeah - now the dates are all screwy. Doesn't matter. Today is my first complete day taking care of both kids together. It has not been a complete failure. I can totally do this. (picture stewart smalley chanting into a mirror, if you're old enough). Seriously though, it has taken a complete shift of focus. This is work - and as such, I needed a plan. Hour by hour - no messing around. Check it (tegan leaves at 6:45AM)
7-8AM: Breakfast (waffles, strawberries, blueberries)
8-9AM:Miles nap - Isla Star Wars death star block buildng adventure
9-10AM try to feed miles (mildly successful) - Isla art time clay candy making factory
10-11AM library (closed) - bookstore (open) to get "zombie in love, a picture book"
11-12 miles nap 2 Isla - lunch (quesadilla, strawberries, jello).
12-1PM try to feed miles 2 (meh) Daddy School (line shapes - vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curved -writing the number and word 1 one, recognizing numbers to 20 - cutting & pasting - dictating a story
1-2PM Zombie picnic extravaganza "braaaaaaaaaaains"
2-3PM miles nap 3 (10 minutes. ugh.) music time - dancing to the decemberists on acoustic guitar
3-4PM screen time, walking around endlessly with miles.
4-430PM - get ready to go.
5 - 8 MOVIES!!!!!

wait - it's only 3? oh good lord.

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