Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Year of Writing 4


Dentists. I hate them. When I was between the ages of 4 and 11, they were innocent enough - arrive, read HIGHLIGHTS for children, sit in the big chair, put some foul pink silly puddy looking goop in a ill-fitting mouthpiece into your maw and drool out the side of your mouth until you get a sticker. Easy. My picture was up on the wall at the dentist in Seattle with at least 6 gold no-cavity stars by it. I was ballin'.

Then 12 hit. The years of frivolously tossing my paltry allowance at candy vendors had finally caught up with me. A cavity. I remember it well - the dentist smirking as he brought the x-ray over to me in the chair, the sour metallic taste of the needle, the whine of the drill, the inadequacy of the numbing agent, the neverending ache of jaw muscles and tendons... you get the picture.

I have gone to the dentist many times since then - 95 percent of them with the same result. I think I have a complex. My wife Tegan suggested Adavan. I suggest laudanum. Regardless, I went to the dentist today. NO CAVITIES! NONE! I felt like I was 7 years old. No gold stars or polaroid on the dentist's wall though, just a glow in the dark lizard. And my daughter gave me that. Oh yeah, she went to the dentist too. She likes the dentist. All in good time, my sweet, all in good time.


1 comment:

  1. i feel your pain and joy aaron! i ALWAYS have a cavity or worse, root canal or cracked crown. a FEW, few times i have been given the gold start---no cavities -- looks good. i laugh because i floss 2x a day, brush 2x a day and still wear my retainers but every time something usually pops up. ugh. laughing gas might be a good alternative for you ;) so glad you are back to writing! good luck with the move. we just moved. it's chaos.
