I needed that sleep so bad. Holy crap.
Here are my favorite things from the last four days.
1. Walking around a redneck town near Sacramento for a few hours, finding a thrift store that has nothing but Jesus shirts and Proud to be an American shirts, buying a couple of each, then having people say: "Walkin' with Jesus Today, huh?" Point, and walk away.
2. Watching my kids from this year graduate the 8th grade, and watching two of my favorite kids of all time graduate from high school. One of them got the Gates Millenium Scholarship for all ten years of schooling, books, room, and board through his doctorate degree.
3. Seeing friends that I hated to leave in Oakland.
4. Being scared shitless by the instructions given by the guide on our 3 day rafting trip - then promptly forgetting everything that was said when we got in the boat.
5. Hearing that the couple that was supposed to be accompanying us on our 10 dude bachelor party river rafting excursion had "second thoughts."
6. Realizing that class 5 rapids are HUGE. and FUN.
7. 105 degrees is OK, if there is a river made of snowmelt underneath you.
8. California is fucking beautiful.
9. 80 degrees at night SUCKS. So do these insects called gatherer spiders (they're not really spiders, but look like daddy long legs). These things come out in the middle of the night in the thousands and crawl all over everything gathering whatever the hell it is that they need to gather. With me, it was apparently my chest hair, since I woke up to find about 50 of them crawling all over my body. Not awesome.
10. If you have a chance to make a camping sauna or sweat lodge ever, do it.
11. The highlight of the first night camping was the late night improvised ironic christian rock E.P. debut by a friend named Richard. Imagine Gavin Rossdale singing songs like "I fell in love with God, so what do I do with her?"
12. Getting home.
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