Saturday, June 30, 2012

Year of writing 181. Anniversary.


Tegan and I celebrated our 7th anniversary today with a niiiiiiiiice dinner and a little drive around Ojai, our new (and old) home.  I started to think about how strange it is to have grown up with this woman, and have our lives arrange themselves constantly around our growth and each other at the same time.  We were kids when we met, literally.  Now we have kids of our own and have built this life together that I wouldn't trade for all the burritos and video games in the world.  I am seriously a lucky, lucky dude to be in the situation I find myself right now.

Except for the fact that I have had pretty awful diarrhea for the last 5 or 6 days, and I have to take myself to the bathroom about 17 times a day.  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABY!

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