Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Year of Writing 178. Little kid speak.


I noticed today that the last vestiges of little kid speak are slowly eroding away from my daughter's vocabulary.  There have been many things Isla has said over the last few years, notably

"Banga Banga"  - this was said with a shaken fist, to indicate dissatisfaction with something. (age 2)

"Moka Loka"  - an expression loosely translated to mean "I'm being cheeky right now!" Usually delivered with an appropriate facial expression not unlike Gary Coleman whilst saying "Whatchoo talkin bout Willis?" (2)

Sw, Sp pronounced as "f"  as in "Daddy, I want to go Fwing on the Fwings."  or "Aaaaah!  A fider is climbing up the wall."  (3)

"Beout me"   Replaced "without"  as in:  "Please don't leave beout me" (retired earlier this year)

And the final (I'm sure there's more I have forgotten) little kid speak that still exists to this day. You can hear it often in the heat of Southern California:

"Daddy, blow down the windows, it's hot in here!" 

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