Wednesday, January 16, 2013

337. poop n' coffee


After talking to Isla's teacher, I feel better about the situation at school - although she is still processing it.  For the first time today she said "I don't want to go to school tomorrow - I'm starting to get bored."  I don't really think she's bored, I think she's uncomfortable around other kids for the first time, and that sucks.  We will both learn from this, and become better people I'm sure. 

Today was our coffee shop day, where we all go down to the local spot for bagels and hot chocolate - I really enjoy Wednesday mornings.  As we're leaving, all bundled up against the cold, Miles stopped mid toddle on the sidewalk as if transfixed by his shoes.  He was literally staring down at his shoelaces for a good ten seconds before I started to get concerned and bent down to see what was up.  This is when I recognized the almost inaudible poop-grunt that accompanies a particularly epic bowel movement from my bright eyed little boy.  He basically had stopped himself in his own tracks with a poop, then got physically stuck once he realized the poop was not leaving his diaper on it's own.  He couldn't move his feet, it was as if the poop had medusa-like properties and his legs were stone. 

After I was done laughing like a maniac, I picked Miles up, releasing him from his poopy prison.  Then I realized I didn't have the diaper bag with me.  Then I was rendered statue-like for a quick second myself.  Luckily I carry a spare diaper in my glove box for times like these. 

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