Thursday, January 24, 2013

340. The sickness


Ok, so everybody's sick. Our house sounds like it is inhabited by chain smoking walruses with sinus problems and a penchant for whining. To top it all off today Tegan had to work until 9. I knew it was going to be a rough one, but ooooooweeeeeee, I had no idea. Miles was vacillating between screaming because I put him down and screaming because I wasn't holding him the right way. Isla was fully engrossed in a feverish whine festival, or asking me how long every single thing we did was going to take. I couldn't think straight and had a temper about as long as a nervous person's fingernails. These combined to make for the dinner from hell. I got a brief respite during a timely airing of "frankenweenie," but found myself facing the most impossible bedtime ever conceived. I needed miles to be asleep, since trying to read to Isla while he was screaming was like shoving hot needles into my already aching mind, but he couldn't lie prone due to his cough, and I couldn't sit up with him due to my lack of boobs. He finally decided a fair compromise would be for me to sit next to him, propped up on pillows with my forehead pressed against his, while whispering the lyrics to "cold hearted snake" by Paula Abdul. Anything that altered this formula slightly would send him into hysterical cry-coughing fits. This lasted 40 minutes. When he finally fell asleep, Isla came running into the room, and woke him up by jumping onto the bed. "I just wanted to help him sleep!" she said. I may or may not have lost my shit at this point. After a repeat performance of the sleeping trick I was finally Able to read to Isla...and he's awake again. Like right now, literally. Goodbye

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