Monday, January 21, 2013

339. Monday games


Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which means Isla didn't have school, and we went to her school's performance in the park.  She decided not to sing, which didn't seem to be pushed very hard by the preschool teachers, so I went with it.  She did tell me on the way there all about MLK, and how he was the "man who wanted everybody to be treated the way they deserve to be treated" and how he "did lots of talks and walks so that the United States would change the laws about treating black people different."  I thought that was a pretty good summation for a four year-old. 

After the park, we had time to chill while Miles napped, so I pulled out the lego starwars set I got for my birthday (yeah, I said it), and we put it together.  It only took a few minutes, so then we decided to make her room into an alien planet so that the star wars characters she has could have somewhere fun to play.  We covered books and boxes with blankets to make mountains, and turned some baskets on their sides to make caves, and we were off.  First Isla decided to bring her Goblin King doll (AKA David Bowie from Labyrinth) into the mix so that she could have somebody other than Darth Vader or the Emperor to Kidnap Princess Leia.  In this parallel Star Wars universe, those guys were good.  He did a pretty good job of devising a plan to use his pet shark on a leash to go bite Princess Leia's gown, and then drag her to the prison he had built out of Miles' walker and a dictionary, but the twin Han Solos quickly came to her rescue.  Then, the stormtrooper, Darth Vader, Obie Wan, and Luke decided to stand guard over Leia's cave, but they didn't realize it had a back entrance, where David Bowie was able to send Greedo to cast a magic spell on Leia and Queen Amidala, who also happened to be visiting at the time.  Then the two of them just walked out of the cave and right back to the jail, where David Bowie was gleefully laughing.  Luckily, young Anakin had witnessed the entire ordeal, and attempted to relay what had happened to the twin Hans, but was almost intercepted by a flying alien creature and a "Star Wars Cow" that were lurking nearby.  He narrowly escaped being trampled and eaten, and came upon the Hans twins enjoying their tea in a nearby cookie shop.  They hustled and made short work of David Bowie, placing him in his own jail so he could never try and make off with their beloved princess again. 

These games are exhausting. 

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