Sunday, December 2, 2012

Year of writing 320. Miles Update.


Miles needs an update.  Here's what's new -

1.  This boy babbles non-stop.  He sounds a little bit like how one would imagine a concerned turkey would sound.  Only funnier.

2.  Miles is scared of lots of stuff, but it isn't anything that makes sense, like monsters or dinosaurs or anything like that.  He is scared of (in order of descending horror)  a: gloves - any kind of gloves.  He literally loses his shit when he sees a glove on the ground.  b: dog paws, but only dog paws from a large black lab/ vizsla mix named Riley.  Miles will sit and scream at this dog's paws until we take him away.  c: Baboon puppets - this has only been verified once, but it was absolutely horrifying when it happened.

3.  He now does animal noises - horse is my favorite, with him sticking his tongue out and giving a raspberry.

4.  He sleeps with Princess Leia.  Case Closed. 

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