Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Year of Writing 59 Leap day & the spider people.


February 29th, hello.  The last time I saw you, I was a mere lad of 30.  Isla was elbowing her mom from the inside - I was having panic attacks at school trying to imagine what being a dad would be like.  This unfocused anticipation of a huge change was all I could fit inside my mind.  So here we are again - it's four years later and I am waiting on this intangible life change once more.  This time, the move ahead of me is the unknown, but man - if it turns out the way having Isla has, then its all to the good.

That was an aside.

On the ride home this afternoon from daycare, Isla asked a lot of questions.  This is normal.  Usually, her questions don't revolve around extremely minor characters from Star Wars, however.  So, my interest was piqued, to say the least.  The conversation went something like this:

Daddy, if Darth Vader and Stormtroopers were real, I would lock the door so they couldn't get in.

Good Idea, Isla, what made you think about that?

I was just wishing that Princess Leia was real.  Is she real, Daddy?

Well, no, she's a character, but Carrie Fischer is real and she is the actress that plays Princess Leia.

Oh, well, is her shooter real? Does it shoot fire?

I think it's a laser gun, and I don't think it's real.  In the movies it shoots lasers.

Daddy, if somebody took Princess Leia's laser gun and started to shoot you would you get hurt?

They're not real, sweetie.  But if I was in the movie, I'd be a Jedi and stop the lasers with my lightsaber.

Does my pretend lightsaber stop lasers?

It stops pretend lasers.

Oh, Daddy...  Does Jabba the Hutt send girls to the Rancor or just boys?

 Jabba the Hutt sends anybody to the Rancor that bothers him.  Remember, Luke went through the trap door, and that dancer girl, and the Gammorrean Guard.

Is that the pig guy?

Boom Time.

And Daddy, Luke made the gate crash on the Rancor's head, so Jabba can't send me to the Rancor anymore.

Well, Leia made sure Jabba wouldn't send anybody anywhere.

Oh yeah.  Daddy, who are those spider guys in Jabba's house?

Wait, you saw the spider guys, they're only in it for a second.

Yeah, who are they?

 Well, they were peaceful people called the B'Omarr Monks (Yeah, I walk around with that knowledge in my head) that believed they didn't need their bodies, because they wanted to only think.  So, when they studied enough, somebody took their brain and put it in a jar.  Then if they wanted to move around, they had to be put in a spider robot.

... Do people really put their brains in jars?

Sort of, but not like that.  If real people take their brains out, they'll pretty much die.

But not the bomunks?

Yeah, not the bomunks.

Oh, I want to see them, can I draw the bomunks when I get home?  I just need a black pen so I can make them when they were people and when they were spiders too.

That sounds totally awesome.


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