Saturday, February 11, 2012

Year of Writing 42


First off, I have to say that I am extremely proud of myself for keeping with this so far. I know it's early to be singing my own praises, but if you are out of practice, writing every day is HARD!  I feel great about how few of these posts and exercises have been throwaway in nature.

This post is about Miles.  This is my boy about two weeks old.

              This is him today------->

               The changes that occur to your baby as they grow older are barely noticeable until you look back at what was just a few months back, and there is a different child staring back at you.  Miles laughs with us now, eats shopping lists, smashes himself in the face with his toys in a vain attempt to swallow them whole, and is beginning to show signs of intense genius.  I'm pretty sure his high pitched squeals and gurgles are attempts to address the gaps in logic that exist in string theory.

These are the things that I want to remember about Miles in his fifth month of life:  The way he smiles at anyone who gets his attention, then hides his face against my shoulder - there is no more proof that I am DADDY ALMIGHTY than this.

The looks of consternation I would get when first attempting to feed him his bottle when Tegan was working, and he struggled to figure it out, then the palpable relief and calm that settled in that one fateful Sunday afternoon that I shall dub "the Day Daddy Conquered the World,"  or "We Don't Need No Nippleday." 

The ridiculous outfit combinations I came up with for Miles after realizing he enjoyed layering.  Orange and brown footie pajamas under green striped sweatpants and a purple hoodie anyone?

Knowing full well that my baby balancing and baby tossing acrobatics would cause a regurgitated tsunami of breastmilk, but still doing it because Dammit, no kid should ever be denied such thrills.  And besides, he giggles like a drunk chipmunk when I do it.

Having to position his body 180 degrees from the TV during basketball games while he fights and claws to watch - I CAN'T WAIT until he is developmentally ready to watch the Warriors (and hopefully by then they'll have something worth watching).

Those eyes.  It really is amazing what a pair of bright blue eyes like that will make you do.  Look out world.

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