Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Year of Writing 65 On your permanent record.


I have a bad habit of checking the kids in my class' "assertive discipline" screen in their online record.  This is the place where the behavior of a child who gets a referral is logged.  It is done verbatim from what is written on the referral.  Now, being a teacher, I know that when one is writing a referral, one is usually so pissed off that one does not usually exude eloquence.  I also know that kids do ridiculous things in middle school.  In honor of that, I think I might make Tuesdays (until I stop teaching) "Assertive Discipline" days.  I will keep the kid anonymous, but some of these are too good to pass up.

Student 1.

2/13   K_____ refused to pick up trash during lunch detention.  Rather than follow directions, he yelled: "I am a seagull!" and threw ranch dressing on a group of students.

2/10 K_______ consistently disrupted class during Yoga. (yeah, it says yoga).  He would not do the poses, and said "this shit is for white people."

10/17 A girl asked K_________ a question that I did not hear.  He yelled at the top of his lungs "I don't have a COOOOOTCH!"  I counseled K__________ about what was wrong with that statement.

Student 2 

2/16 G________  was using inappropriate language and disrupting class.  Student will serve community service by attending the Valentine's Dance.  (what a tough consequence)

2/14  G_______ was sent out of class.  Ripped up his referral.  Said "Make it rain."

10/31  G_______ received a referral from Ms. _______'s class.  Told another girl to take her mask off, when she was not in costume. She responded by cussing at him. Both students received referrals.

1/3  G______ whistled the Jeopardy song during testing.  Would not stop.  

These are supposed to show the behaviors a student is capable of... for the most part I just end up thinking these kids are really funny.


  1. Hello. I also work in a Title I middle school and I found this post to be hilarious!!!! Sounds like we work at the same school.

  2. @dache - I seriously think a book should be made.
