Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Year of writing 86 On Your Permanent Record 4

The fourth installment in the weekly examination of student hijinks and the manner in which irate teachers write them up.  These are anonymized and taken straight from the student discipline screen.  I, of course, add my own commentary. 

Student 1

Tripped 'dramatically,' hitting another student in the shoulder with his elbow. 1st mischievious referral. 1 hour AIP. 

(I'm a little speechless.  Maybe it was a statement about the lack of drama classes).

11/1 Warning. Mr.______ asked _________ to remove his wig. He refused to take off the wig and then walked out of class without permission
 (Never mess with another man's wig)

_________  poked a female student with a pushpin in math class.  Said he was "trying to pop her."  3 hours AIP

(hahahahhahahahahhaahahaha! Wait, that's messed up.)

Student 2


_________ had a cut on his right hand. I told him to get a band aid from the office. Instead _________ wiped his blood on two student's papers and their desks, and grabbed ________'s hair, getting blood all over it.

(Middle School, the horror movie)

_________  and another student harassed a 1st grade student and caused him to drop his breakfast

(OK, that's just mean.)

_________ grabbed another student pretending to be a policeman. When handed referral, he yelled "you're under arrest" and ran out of the room.  Call home.

(at least he stayed in character.)

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