Thursday, March 8, 2012

Year of writing 67

It's getting nearer to Isla's 4th birthday, and the preparations are being furiously pondered by Tegan and Laura, her daycare provider, who we've always partnered birthdays with, since her son's birthday is so close to hers.  I have a sneaking suspicion that Laura pours all her latent girlhood fantasies into Isla, (beautiful dresses as presents, glass slippers, princesses and fairies, you know the deal...),   so I self-satisfyingly chuckled out loud when I got this picture via text with the message: "out of 100 cakes,  she wants the STAR WARS one."  I can almost smell the disappointment.  Really, who wouldn't want the Star Wars cake?  I was especially elated to note that the cake has no reference of pod racers or Jar Jars anywhere as well - it's old school drama.  Straight up Vader vs. Luke - the only conflict that matters.   Go 'head Isla.

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