Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Year of Writing 79. On your permanent record 3


This is the third installment of a riveting new series in which I chronicle the things middle school kids get in trouble for.  They have been made anonymous to protect the teachers who write insane things when they are angry. 

Student 1

9/8   ________ called a student "puto" and then put the ball in front of his private parts making obscene gestures with the ball and his body

10/30 ___A_______ was sent to the office. He refuses to do work in class. Throwing around markers in class. Continues to choke ___B_______ on a daily basis. There are several witnesses to___A_______  choking  ___B______. _____B______ said that ____C____ has stopped _____A____ on several occasions from choking him. This is the first time that _____B_____ has said anything. Because _____A_____ calls him a snitch and tells him he will get him if he tells. I had Mr._________ call his home because they only speak spanish and she said his grandfather said he would come and pick him up.
(Whew!  Continues to choke a kid on a daily basis?  Nobody sees this kid CHOKING ANOTHER STUDENT?)

2/9  Aggressively in Mr. ____________ face, pulled down his pants, exclaiming repeatedly "you suck dick". 4th severe.
(Dang, Mr.____________, what the heck did you do?)

3/10  ________ was kissing with ____________ out on the black top at lunch time on Thursday . I called mother and talked to her about this inccident (sic). I told her next time there would be other consecuences (sic).
 (at least he's turning a new leaf, "kissing with" kids instead of choking them).

Student 2

9/9  went into the teacher room during detention an showted(sic)  WE OUT!  than(sic) he left the room without doing the detention for the teacher
 (WE OUT!)

1/17 In house suspension ________ walked into the main office, walked right by Ms. ________ (if after she asked him to stop). Asked the principal if he could use the sink, she said no. He used it anyway to wet his hair down, then left the office.

2/12 making noise with his mouth an would not stop when asked by teacher
(At least he was making them with his mouth, right?  RIGHT?)

3/10 ___________brought "poppers" to school. While in Science class, they fell out of his pocket and popped in class. He completed a reflection form and an Appropriate School Behavior Essay. He needs to return the referral and essay tomorrow, signed by a parent.
(Unlucky, dude.)

I hope you enjoyed reading the misfortune of others, I know I did. 

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