Sunday, March 25, 2012

Year of writing 84. To My Students.


I give notice tomorrow at the school where I've taught since 2001.  I've spent my entire adult life there, and to say that the children I've come across since beginning have influenced me is an extreme understatement. When you work in a place like East Oakland, with a population of kids most people believe are inherently monsters, due only to the circumstances of geography and poverty, you gain a certain perspective about humanity.  I know my kids will have to work twice as hard to achieve half as much as anyone from the suburbs, and I watch them set at that task with fire and determination.  Now, as I see the children I first taught becoming adults, and having families and careers of their own, I realize not only how important it was for them to have a safe, nurturing place to exist during middle school, but how important it was for me as well.  Thank you to every child who allowed me into their lives for probably the longest nine months of their adolescent lives, and thank you more to each who has stayed in touch with me throughout these eleven years, you have given me insight and taught me more about life than anyone ever has.

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