Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Year of writing 191. Speak Up!


Today my daughter went to her first soccer practice.  I was pretty impressed with the soccer coach - who made practice into one big pirate themed game.  But I also had to fight with myself from getting involved in a situation where she needed to speak up for herself.  It was a little thing - a game where the coach was running around with jerseys as "treasure" and the kids had to kick the ball at him. If they hit him, he'd yell arrrrgh and give them a "treasure."   Isla hit him at least three times that I counted and each time, he gave the jersey to this little loud boy who held out his hand like he had done it (this little shit didn't even have a ball near him).  Each time, Isla got more and more upset, until she was just kinda moping around on the field.  At the water break I told her she needed to tell the coach that she had hit him, that people will take advantage of whatever they can to get what they want, and if she doesn't stand up for herself, she'll spend a lot of time watching people take what she has worked for.  The whole time I really wanted to go punt that little bastard over the closest building, but I held it together OK. 

Afterward, she told me she liked soccer practice, but thought it was a little "baby soccer, cuz he didn't even make us kick it in a goal, or pass the ball or anything, just play pirate games all day."

When we got home, she immediately changed out of her sporty soccer outfit, and put this little number together.  "I'm getting married," said Isla.  "To Charlie Bucket."  Then an attempted curtsy which turned into a pile of girl and dog.

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