Monday, May 14, 2012

Year of Writing 134. It's official


As of today, I am officially a stay at home dad.  Tegan went to her brand new job at Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara today for the first time, leaving me armed with my trusty list of things to do in Ojai and a reciprocated "good luck." 

Truth be told, this is a good gig.  It is not easy by any stretch of the imagination - but it is good.  The only complaint I have had (besides the political stuff like pay and respect and management and curriculum) about the actual job of teaching was that I was missing my daughter's milestones, and because children change like quicksilver, I was missing things that I would never get to see again.  That makes me feel supremely grateful for the opportunity I have right now to do just that, to slow down a little and just be with my kids, for better or for worse, and hear their imaginations work, watch first steps happen, second steps, and all the other ones after.  Just today I witnessed my daughter make a friend on the playground, giving me a surreptitious wink and a thumbs up while chasing her around, I helped my son get the movements for crawling under control, worked my way through a couple mini-tantrums, ate breakfast and lunch with my kids, read three books, deconstructed an episode of Strawberry Shortcake, changed 5 diapers, played the part of  Harry Potter, Darth Vader, Bellatrix's dad, Papa Smurf, and Rapunzel, and took the whole family out to celebrate my wife's first day of work. 

Again, this is a good gig.  I'll take it.

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