Thursday, May 31, 2012

Year of writing 151. Miles crawls.


This morning after I fed Miles and Isla, I was drinking coffee and checking some news during the one point in the day that Miles is cool with just sitting on the carpet playing with some toys.  Isla was drawing chalk pictures outside, and everything was peachy.  Miles has been able to sit up for a while now, and as he was not mobile, it's pretty easy to set him down and let him play without worrying too much (unless it's not the morning, any other time he howls like this):

After a couple of minutes of blissfully reading up on what Rihanna has gotten into lately, and drinking my coffee without any whining, I looked up to see Miles was a good ten feet from where I set him.  He was sitting in the exact same position, however, which meant we have another scooter on our hands.  When Isla was little she would scoot herself forward with one hand and one leg, and somehow this worked.  I think it had a lot to do with the hardwood floors we had, they allowed for maximum slippage of the buttocks.  I put Miles favorite toy, an empty Gatorade bottle, a few feet away and waited for the magic to happen.  I was not disappointed.   This child has a completely newfangled way of motoring.  He first starts to rock back and forth like a disturbed person in the Greyhound station, then throws his heels out on a particularly intense rock, and drags his diapered butt about half an inch.  He moves deliberately in this way until he reaches his destination.  What's that somebody said about slow and steady?  It sure isn't winning any races around here - I know he'll pick up speed sooner or later, but for now I'll take this, plenty of warning as to which direction and possibly dangerous item has taken his fancy lets me cut him off at the pass, even if I'm not paying much attention, and lets face it, he's a second child, so yeah, I'm not paying much attention. 

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