Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Year of writing 225. Seriously?


It seems like I write more about the bad days than the good ones on this blog, but that's probably because they are way more fun to write.  It's like I get a reward for surviving these horrendous excuses for days when I finally settle down into the couch to write.

So, on that note, here is how today went:

7-9 AM  Breakfast was pretty uneventful. I was prepared with syrup so Isla wouldn't throw her fork through the window, and the waffles were perfect.  Boom.  Easy start to the day.

9 -10:30 AM - Isla's cousin Zia shows up for an all-day playdate... this is awesome.  It means that I will barely see her, because they just go play barbie unicorn pillow cloud or whatever in her room - Shoot, they even watch Miles for awhile.  Wait a minute, this day is awesome! 

 10:50 AM - Girls get their swimsuits on for dual swimming lessons, we get everybody sunscreened with no whining, and this is rad.  Everybody hurries from the house to the car, because it's 102 outside today, but that's cool, we're going SWIMMING!

11:00 AM - The girls are starting to whine about how hot it is in the car, as I strap Miles in and hurry to the drivers side to start up the AC.  Key in, and... nothing.  No engine turnover, no clicking, just a weak ass "door ajar" chime that starts to die as I hold the key in the ingnition.  F***.  I don't know how I did it, but I actually said that - asterisks included, for the benefit of the four year olds in the car.

11:10 AM - I have a mini breakdown, trying to figure out how to get these girls to their 50.00 no refund swimming lesson with no car.  I decide to put Miles on with the baby carrier and walk the mile or so to the pool.  One can walk a mile in 10 minutes, right?

11:20 AM - I finally get miles into the baby carrier and the girls into a wagon, so there will be no whining.   Isla's lesson starts at 11:20.  It's 102 degrees outside.  I'm an idiot.

11:40 AM - We made it roughly half a mile.  There is sweat pouring from my forearms. From MY FUCKING FOREARMS.  There should never be sweat on your forearms.  I look up and realize in my haste to book it to the lessons, I tried to go down a street that HAS NO OUTLET.  Now, when you've been dragging a wagon laden with preschoolers, with a baby about the size and temperature of a roast turkey on your chest, and it is 102 degrees outside, if the street has no outlet, you give up.  I gave up, turned around and headed to the popsicle store.  I bought five.  Three for me, one for Isla and one for her cousin.  No swimming for anyone.  Another hot ass 20 minutes to walk home.

12:00 PM - Finally back home - now I can call AAA and have them bring me a battery, we have AC, so the girls can still play their rainbow princess marshmallow game and I can chill out and wait for the car to be fixed.  EXCEPT THAT ON THE WAY TO THE HOUSE I SEE A TREE HAS TAKEN OUT A POWER LINE AND WE HAVE NO POWER!!!  That means no AC, no fan, no cooked lunch, etc...

12:20 PM Zia's mom comes and swoops up Isla and her cousin, saving my life.  I wait in a hot ass house with my hot ass baby until he wakes up from his hot ass nap. 

Honestly, the rest of the day is irrelevant.  I have had such a ridiculous hour that anything else pales in comparison.  I'll just say, the power came back 5 hours later, triple A never came, so I bought my own battery and installed it, and tomorrow better just shape the fuck up.  Right now.


  1. This is why you need a bike with one of those little cruisers attached to the back for the kids. That or a jet powered skateboard...that could definitely work as well.

  2. my forearms started sweating profusely reading this lol
